
In chapters five to ten, the author beams his analytical searchlight on subject matters such as management techniques in sports organisation; the concept of sports organisation; setting design in sports organisation; the concept of planning in sports administration; making sports organisations more effective in Nigeria and staffing in sports organisations. 

Chapter 11 is based on communication strategies in sports organisation. According to Awoyinfa here, communication is a Sports crucial factor in any organisational effectiveness because organisations cannot function effectively when communication skills are lacking among members. "Since communication is the moving spirit in an organisation, its absence may make organisations standstill," asserts this author. In chapters 12 to 16, Awoyinfa X-rays concepts such as organisational changes and development in sports administration; leadership in sports administration and management; administration and management of soccer as a coach; teaching human kinetics and health education in schools and colleges; and organisation and administration of schools at various levels of education.