random video chat

When it comes to chatting up girls there really isn't that much magic involved. The biggest mistake most guys make is that they think they know what girls are thinking.

Before they even start they have set themselves up for failure. They prejudge with notions like "she will not like me"

When you go online and do a search on how to chat up girls you really come across some interesting stuff. Some of it I have to admit is a little cheesy.

Chat up lines that have been used to death.

Don't get me wrong there is some good information out there - however some of the techniques are questionable even a little bit comical. 

Trust me you do not need to wear some special cologne or body lotion and try and dazzle a girl with a bunch of BS. Most girls quite frankly can see right through that rubbish.


The bottom line is this - being successful at picking up girls starts with you taking action. If you never approach a girl random video chat you cannot really expect to pick her up.

You have to put some effort into it. You do not have to be god's gift to the women you just simply have to go up to her and start a little conversation. 

Now you may suffer from the fear rejection and as a result do nothing, but let me put it to you this way. If you never talk to her you will never get her.

At least if you do go up and talk to her you have some chance of developing a relationship with her. So the fact is you have nothing to lose right? 

When chatting up girls at least initially do not get personal. Try and make conversation regarding what is going on around you. Relax and be yourself.

As I said if you never talk to her you will never get her so what have you to lose only some false pride. 


Have you ever been in a position where you wished you knew what a girl is thinking?

If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then select one of the following links.