
Contrary to what you may read some places, LEDs do generate heat, and this heat is actually the biggest problem that manufacturers face developing LED lighting applications.

Manufacturers can now produce individual LED chips that are as bright as a 100-watt incandescent bulb, but these LEDs are practically useless for general lighting because installing them in a fixture creates ventilation problems that have not yet been solved.

LEDs installed in fixtures and bulbs must be ventilated properly, and the better the chip, the more difficult it is to properly cool.

There are many LED light bulbs on the market that do not take this into consideration and either use cheap chips so they don't have to ventilate them, or do not ventilate their chips properly, significantly reducing its lifespan.

While the typical LED light bulb is barely warm to the touch, if the chip is not properly ventilated, it can fail prematurely. 

While LED light bulbs do last much longer than conventional bulbs, look closely at manufacturer claims for bulb life.

The life-span of an LED light bulb should be its "half-life." LED light bulbs do not burn out; rather, they gradually fade out.

When a vendor says an LED bulb will last 80,000 hours, they mean that at that point, the chips will have reached 50% efficiency, and the bulb ought to be replaced.

So, the bulb might last 100,000 hours or more, but its efficiency will have degraded greatly by that point. Using this 100,000-hour life as a selling point is therefore misleading.

While LEDs don't last forever, they will last 50-75 times longer than a comparable incandescent and 6-8 times longer than a CFL. 


Searching the web, you will quickly find that the LED light bulb market is inundated with product.

Many of these bulbs are relatively reklamskyltar inexpensive (less than $20); however, you may find that many of these LED bulbs consist of questionable materials and dubious craftsmanship.

Good LED light bulbs cost more than these cheap ones because they use high-quality chips with prices firmly set by reputable manufacturers like Cree.

This means that though these LED light bulbs are more expensive, they are far superior. 

LED light bulbs can't be dimmed with traditional dimmers. LEDs require constant current to operate.

Because of this, if a standard dimming method is applied, it will flicker at regular intervals, or worse, simply not work.

In order to dim an LED light, a 0-10V dimming module is required in order to "trick" the LED into emitting less light. In theory, all LED lights are dimmable with this module.