cross training shoes

The CrossFit workout is a great way to get into shape and develop your strength. The CrossFit workout will target numerous aspects of your fitness and if you stick with it, you will have a broad fitness base. This workout is not for the faint of heart and it definitely will challenge you and elevate your fitness. 

Will CrossFit benefit my running or triathlon performances?" is frequently asked question I hear from runners and triathletes. The answer depends on a few things. 


YES - If you have any muscle imbalances or you are lacking some basic strength, then the CrossFit program can help target these areas and contribute to your improvement. However, for most this would be most appropriately placed in the off season when your running or triathlon specific cross training shoes fitness is not as important. If you are a recreational runner, then you may benefit from year round CrossFit training.

NO - If you are getting ready to compete and are serious about having a peak to your season, then the CrossFit workouts will not provide any real benefit to you as a runner or triathlete. In fact, they may take away from your performance. Here is the reason. Crossfitters state that their "specialty is not specializing."


This is the complete opposite goal of the build up and peaking phase of a sound running program (your running program should not be the same year round). As you get closer to your goal race many of your workouts begin to take on a very specific purpose. Ignoring the specific and targeted nature of your run workouts will result in substandard performance. If you expect to complete mile repeats or a tempo on the bike the day after a challenging CrossFit workout, then you can kiss your run/bike workout goodbye because your body will not be able to perform the intensity of work required to reach your full potential. When this happens week after week your race specific fitness will begin to fade or slightly improve at best.