Online Dictionaries: A Universe of Words

Everybody desires a lexicon. you will have a tattered family volume, a hardcover lexicon from student days, or a paperback bought at a cut {price} price. however you do not need to get a lexicon, you will log on and find out a universe of words and fun.

Looking for a Spanish translation? log on. want a definition for a Cockney word? log on. inquisitive a few Chinese symbol? log on. Before you visit an internet lexicon you would like to organize for the "trip." Grab a cup of occasional or tea, or a glass of water, and a healthy snack, as a result of once you begin reading dictionaries you will be absorbed for hours.

Start with "OneLook lexicon Search," a desirable web site with six,257,269 indexed words from 993 dictionaries. Your choices embody a basic word search or a "wildcard pattern" search that matches any sequence dictionary of letters. The word "bluebird" is employed as associate degree example. to search out the definition you will enter "blue" or "bird" or "bl (blanks here)rd." there is additionally a reverse lexicon on the web site. If you enter the phrase "when cancer spreads through the body," as an example, dozens of medical words pop.

"The AlphaDictionary" web site is simply plain fun. A word of the day is denote on the location and after I accessed it the word was "glade." you will submit your own word of the day if you are thus inclined. If you get bored whereas you are looking for definitions click on "AlphaDictionary Word Games" and do crossword puzzle puzzles and "word jungles."

Cambridge University Press features a web site known as "Cambridge Dictionaries on-line." you will find a range of dictionaries on this web site, and dozens of "Online Activities and Worksheets." I clicked on CLD, activities to try to to with the "Cambridge school dictionary," and located associate degree alphabet object quiz, collation games that show however words square measure used along, multiple meanings, verb patterns, info on nouns, verbs, and adjectives, "The made and Famous" problem, and more.